Wheat is now the second most widely grown grain after corn, with 800 million tonnes produced worldwide in 2022.
Wheat is a staple crop used to make everything from noodles to breads. It is also used in a wide range of cuisines worldwide.
Here in this article you will find out who grows the wheat most, and by how much.
The numbers are based on data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO).

Global wheat production is highly diverse, but three countries stand out as the main producers: China, India, and Russia. Each produces more than 100 million tonnes annually.
Russia’s top export destinations for its wheat are Turkey (35%) and Egypt (29%), according to data from the OEC.
The US, which is ranked fifth overall, is the largest wheat producer in the Americas, with 45 million tonnes produced. Among the top states for production are North Dakota, Kansas, and Washington.
The top producing nations of wheat are divided almost evenly between Europe and Asia, two continents with very different climates and weather patterns.
Wheat is a versatile crop that grows everywhere (apart from Antarctica), unlike rice, which needs hot, humid weather.
Of all the grains, it has the third-highest energy content and the highest protein percentage. Most importantly, its low water requirements allow it to flourish in otherwise arid regions.