Qualcomm unveiled a new Snapdragon chip that aims to add more power and 5G connectivity to low-cost smartphones.

All-day battery life, enhanced camera capabilities, and 1 Gbps peak 5G speeds—seven times faster than LTE platforms in the same price range—are among the benefits of the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 platform.

According to Qualcomm, the mobile platform will enable 5G for 20.8 billion smartphone users in specific global regions.

It also mentioned that major OEMs, such as Xiaomi, will initially adopt it and that the first devices will be on sale before the end of the year.

New Qualcomm chip will be launched in India first before being taken to other global markets. It is anticipated that the prices of mobile phones will come down by 8000 Indian Rupees.

“The Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 Mobile Platform is a significant leap forward in making 5G technology more accessible, so more people can navigate the world at 5G speeds,” Qualcomm Senior Vice President and General Manager of Mobile Handsets Chris Patrick said in a statement, TechNewsWorld reported.

“They are really opening up the $99 smartphone class with big improvements for a group that typically gets bottom-of-the-barrel performance,” Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group said. TechNewsWorld reported.

“Entry-level phones in this class appear to be getting the most substantial boost in years,” he added.



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