In an unexpected turn of events, just days after announcing he was “quitting the game,” Ibrohim Abdibrokhim has dropped a bombshell on the tech world: the launch of the world’s first AI startup album. And leading the charge is Open Community, a groundbreaking initiative redefining the open-source AI landscape.
Open Community isn’t just another startup; it’s a movement. With the bold mission of “Making AI Uncool Again,” this initiative is all about empowering developers and tech enthusiasts through open-source AI-powered projects, tutorials, and tools. Beyond the tech, it’s a thriving hub for collaboration, boasting a track record of success in over ten hackathons and multiple partnerships with organizations and startups.
But what makes this launch unique isn’t just the vision—it’s the delivery. Just like a music album, Abdibrokhim is dropping a collection of startups, all at once, challenging how we think about entrepreneurship in the AI era.
Ready to be part of this revolution? Dive into the Open Community and explore what’s next for AI. Visit to learn more and join the movement.
The game isn’t over—it’s just getting started.
Moreover, a massive token drop; approx 1Billion AI/ML API tokens; everything will be announced on November 27th on official launch Open Community.
“Say Hi!” Open Community on Socials:
– Official Website:
– LinkedIn:
– X:
– Discord:
– YouTube:
– Instagram:
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