Telegram announced that it was expanding the revenue streams available to creators on its platform. Most significantly, users will be able to access creators’ additional content by subscribing to monthly paid subscriptions on the platform using Stars, the digital currency of the app.
Now, users can join a channel in return for a monthly Star payment through invite links created by content creators. The purpose of the feature is to give content creators the ability to monetize their work in a manner akin to Patreon by charging for additional or early access.
The cost of their work is entirely up to the creators, who can also exchange Stars for subsidized advertisements or the cryptocurrency Toncoin. Telegram receives a commission from Star-related transactions, though the exact amount has not been disclosed by the company.
In addition, Telegram is introducing Star Reactions, which will let users give their preferred content creators direct support. Star Reactions is comparable to X’s Tips feature and YouTube’s “Super Thanks” feature. All Stars that are awarded to creators through the Reactions feature are theirs to keep.
Telegram’s present efforts to support creators in making money on the platform are strengthened by the new features. A few months ago, Telegram introduced ad revenue sharing with creators; last month, the company began allowing creators to share paid content to their channels.
Earlier this year, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, stated that the company is thinking about going public and anticipates turning a profit the following year.
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